Every Valentine’s Day, I like to show my two little ones a little extra love by making them a special breakfast. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated or time consuming; kids don’t need all that! If you’ve been around kids for any amount of time, you know that it’s the little things that excite them the most. This Valentine’s Day breakfast idea is made special simply with a little food coloring and a heart shaped cookie cutter.

My kids were so excited for their heart shaped pancakes, they gobbled them up. To make this breakfast weekday friendly, we used a boxed pancake mix from Kodiak Cakes (the Whole Wheat and Honey variety), but you can use whatever mix you prefer. We always use whole milk in place of the water for any pancake mix.

Add a few drops of red food coloring and fry them up in a pan. We cooked our pancakes in the cookie cutter, but you can also just cook them normally and cut them out after. Add some raspberries and some powdered sugar (or ‘snow’ as we like to call it!) for a cute little Valentine’s Day breakfast that will put a smile on any kid’s face.
For another Valentine’s Day treat for your kids, try this themed snack board!

Valentine’s Day Pancake Breakfast

Your favorite pancake mix
Red food coloring
Raspberries (or other red or pink fruit of choice)
Powdered sugar
Heart shaped cookie cutters
Mix up your pancake batter per the box instructions (substitute milk in place of water!) Add a few drops of red food coloring. Cook your pancakes in heart shaped cookie cutters (or cook them normally and cut them out afterwards). Serve up your pancakes with raspberries, maple syrup, and powdered sugar