Welcome to the Weekly Edit! In this weekly blog post, I share a life update and my daily outfits, plus links from the week.
Happy Memorial Day! I hope you enjoyed the long weekend with family and friends. We had some friends over a few nights, and it was so fun to catch up. We also went strawberry picking this weekend, and the kids had a blast. Danny made everyone strawberry milkshakes with our strawberry haul (Yum!).
The kids’ last day of preschool was Friday. They have grown so much since they started the school year. I’m pretty pumped for those lazy summer days ahead. Hopefully they will get into the habit of sleeping in a little bit. This mom can dream, right?

I shared three new posts on the blog this week. First up, I shared three new beauty products I’m loving this month. If you’re looking for some outfit inspiration, I posted my May 10×10 mini capsule wardrobe. And check out this post for all the products we use to brew a really good cup of coffee.
What I Wore This Week

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Links From The Week
I signed up for a meal planning service called Cooksmarts this week. I’ve been a member before and have enjoyed the meals. I was just getting so sick of meal planning. I just wanted someone to do it for me.
Did you watch the Friend’s Reunion this week? Can you belief Ross and Rachel were almost a couple in real life?!
I found this article super helpful in explaining the order in which to apply your skincare products.
I just ordered this jumpsuit from Target after seeing Michelle style it a bunch of ways.
City Shape just announced a 4 week booty program beginning June 14th. Click here to sign up!