Today I’m sharing a few self care ideas for all you stay-at-home moms! Self care can mean a lot of different things. For myself, self care includes things I do to nurture my mind and body, whether that is time away from my kids or pursuing a hobby that challenges me. As parents, we can easily get caught up in the hustle of childcare – feedings, diapers, baths, laundry, cooking, etc. I think, sometimes, us SAHMs tend to wear this busyness as a badge of honor. We tend to take on ALL the tasks because this is our job, and we do it best. But in reality, this can lead to feelings of resentfullness and exhaustion.
This also leads us to the discussion of ‘mom guilt.’ I’m sure you know – that guilty feeling we have when we are away from our kids. Mom guilt is not exclusive to SAHMs; I’m sure working moms feel this, too. I know I did when I was still working when Ellie was a baby. It is SO hard to let the guilt go. I barely make time to go to the dentist, let alone to do things that I enjoy, like spend time with my friends or just have a quiet afternoon to myself. I’m saying this not to appear tough, but because this way of thinking is not good for our mental health. Plus, I believe it’s actually a good thing for our kids to see that we are also people and not just their mom. We can have our own interests and hobbies.
Below I’m sharing 13 self care ideas for you to consider. These are things that energize me, lift my mood, and give me the break I need to be the best mom I can be. Many of these ideas require the support of your family or significant other. I encourage you to discuss your needs with them and make arrangements; we all deserve time to reset and refocus.
Self Care Ideas for the Stay-At-Home Mom
Spend the Morning at Your Favorite Coffee Shop
I almost always drink black coffee at home so it feels like a special treat when I hit up one of our local coffee shops for an oat milk cappuccino, my drink of choice. There is something about a delicious creamy coffee that brightens my day. Perhaps it’s the caffeine! Drop you kids off with your family or leave them at home with your partner (they’ll be fine, I promise!), grab a magazine, and just relax with your drink of choice.
Take a Relaxing Bath After the Kids Go To Bed
Tell your significant other they are on kid duty for the next hour, and draw yourself a warm bath. I like to add these bath salts and this lavender bubble bath to mine. I also turn on a spa music playlist on Spotify and spend the time reading a good book or just relaxing with my eyes closed. It’s heaven.
Take a Yoga Class
If you have childcare options, you can drop your kids off for an hour, and take a yoga class at a local studio. I will usually just tell my husband to watch the kids and pull up an online class. Yoga is so calming to the mind, and I’m always in a better mental state after I take a class.
Schedule Dinner or Drinks with Your Girlfriends
I honestly wish I did this more often. It can be hard to make the time and plan childcare especially when all your girlfriends are moms, too, but this is so important. Plan an outdoor gathering at one of your houses, pour some drinks, and vent about things to friends who understand your struggles.
Make an Appointment to Get Your Hair or Nails Done
There is something about a new hairstyle or fresh pedicure that can boost your self-esteem. I’ll admit that I rarely make time to do this, but I always feel 1000% better afterwards.
Take Up a Hobby That Interests You
There are so many to choose from. Here’s a few: baking, take up an instrument, writing, chess, learning a language, sewing, puzzles, pickleball, swimming, going to museums, wine tasting, kayaking, running, photography, and gardening. Anything that fills your cup.
Ask Your Partner for A Massage
We are getting spicy now! But actually massage is a great way to release tension in your muscles and relax the body. Of course, if you can afford it, regularly scheduled massages with a massage therapist would be ideal, but that is expensive and an at-home massage will do the trick if relaxation is your priority.
Go For A Run or Walk
For me, there is nothing more stress relieving than a good run especially when the weather is beautiful. It helps clear my head and gives me time alone. Walking is also a good option. Find a peaceful park or trail and breathe in the fresh air.
Make Time to Read a Good Book
I try to read everyday. It is part of my bedtime routine. Books can give you an escape from reality, and if your life is stressful, this time can be restorative. Here is a list of the best books I read in 2020. I also love all Elin Hilderbrand’s books. Follow me on Goodreads for more recommendations.
Take a Few Minutes to Get Ready Each Day
For me, taking 30 minutes to shower, put make-up on, and pick out a cute outfit does wonders for my productivity and mental health. I do this on most days even when absolutely no one sees me but my husband and kids.
Ask Your Partner to Get Up with the Kids
On the weekends, Danny and I give each other one day to sleep in (Saturday for me, Sunday for him). I don’t necessarily sleep in much later, but it does give me the chance to wake up slowly, maybe check my phone for a little bit. Little kids’ energy in the morning is unrivaled, and it is nice not to have to jump right in to play mode.
Do a Spa Night At Home
Facials, face masks, manicure, pedicure, etc. It isn’t in our budget to regularly go to the spa for a day, so I just do it at home. I haven’t personally tried it, but this facial steamer gets good reviews. I also love this face mask. For nails, I like the mani and pedi kits from Olive and June.
Plan An Hour or Two of Independent Play Into Your Day
If your children are a bit older, plan an hour or two each day for independent play. My kids used to do one hour of quiet time in their rooms, but now they just play with each other in the house while I clean or work on my blog. This will take time and practice to implement, and some kids are better at independent play than others. This will allow you to get caught up on things without being interrupted (hopefully!).
I hope this post gave you the motivation and inspiration to practice some self care in your busy life. Sometimes, we all (myself included!) need to be reminded that our needs matter. Yes, we love our children, of course, but we do need time away from our kids, especially as stay-at-home moms.